Why Pitchup?
Who hasn't wondered one day, sorry for the state of the greens, if it was possible to putt in under these conditions?
However, this privilege is not reserved for professionals on private courses on the other side of the world, it would be enough to eliminate the problem of ball marks not or badly raised.
But our French inventors were not satisfied with an "if only", they looked for and found the culprit: the classic pitchmark repairers.

The problems of the classic pitchmark repairers
When you think about it, it's quite normal, the pitchmark repairers is an antique.
And like all old things, it has its share of design flaws from another age.
We all know the little problems of the pitchmark repairers: dirt on the fingers, dirty or broken folding system, backache when bending over, holes in the pockets...
And frankly, you never know where you've put it: in your bag pocket? In your jacket? In the filter of the washing machine? Or has it been sitting around since the last scramble?
But if that's all it was! A classic pitchmark repairers often does as much harm as good, depending on how you use it... and that's understandable, it requires a real hand.
Did you know that a ball marks does not get up, but is repaired? Indeed, the right action is to put the material back in place, without an upward action.
Except that while a well-repaired ball marks can disappear completely in just 24 hours, a poorly repaired ball marks can take up to 2 weeks to reabsorb and that's enough time for the stagnant water it retains to cause a much longer lasting green disease.
The solution: adopt Pitchup
What if I told you that Pitchup solves 100% of these problems, without exception?
Because your ball mark repairer is at the end of your putter, you'll have it when you need it! (You don't even have to put it in a pocket)
Pitchup is impossible to lose, it can even follow you all your golf career thanks to its stainless steel teeth (which ends up making a nice saving over the years)
Pitchup's greatest strength is the speed and quality of the repair:
The length of the tines, precisely half a bale, ensures that the soil is not damaged too deeply.
The teeth are blade-shaped and not needle-shaped to avoid tearing the surface of the green and only pushing the material away.
The gesture is intuitive, as a quarter turn towards the inside of the ball mark is enough to repair without damaging, which comes naturally by turning the club without forcing.
Ultra simple to install, Pitchup fits on more than 90% of the putters on the market, you can do it yourself in a few minutes.

Pick up ball & pitchmark repairers in 3 steps

A revolution for our greens
Much more than an indispensable tool, it is a revolution for the quality of our greens.
Pitchup is so quick and easy to use that you don't have to worry about going back to pick up a ball mark that isn't yours, in a matter of seconds a single golfer can save a green from several ball marks.
So if you want to play on greens "like on TV", no need to move to Dubai, adopt Pitchup.
You can really make a difference, as Laurence says: "I went with them to a women's competition recently, I showed them PitchUp, at the end of the game they all wanted one."
Don't wait any longer, act today for our greens!

Ultra-fast and ultra-simple assembly
Using PitchUp is so easy!
PitchUp fits over 90% of all putter grips with a minimum diameter of 1.5cm.
To fit PitchUp to your putter, you will only need a few minutes and the four screws provided.
The PitchUp ball mark repairers part is screwed onto the top of your putter's grip to ensure a solid and durable fit.
Install the pitchmark repairers teeth parallel to the face of your putter to make it easier to use.
Then, simply screw your ball marker or ball pick-up to the "click" above the pitchmark repairers, depending on the model you choose.
Now all you have to do is enjoy your PitchUp ball mark repair without bending down on the greens.
Using Pitchup: Child's play
Utiliser PitchUp est un jeu d’enfant.
Grâce à son ramasse-balle intégré, vous pourrez aisément rattraper votre balle au fond du trou.
Afin d’utiliser le répare pitch sur les greens, il vous suffit de commencer par déclipper votre marque balle ou ramasse-balle présent sur votre grip afin de découvrir les dents du répare pitch.
Retournez votre putter, tenez-le par la tête puis insérez les dents de PitchUp dans le green à l’intérieur de votre pitch et réalisez un mouvement vers l’intérieur afin de rabattre les bords du pitch vers son centre.
C’est comme cela que l’on répare correctement son pitch à l’aide de PitchUp. (Voir Vidéo)
Une innovation Française dont nous sommes fier
PitchUp est une invention Française.
Son inventeur, joueur de golf depuis 30 ans, était lassé de voir un trop grand nombre de pitch non relevés sur les greens, un phénomène beaucoup trop répandu dans nos golfs.
Ces pitch non-relevés constituent un véritable fléau pour l’entretien de nos golfs et de leurs greens.
Au vu de cette problématique, une réflexion profonde s’est faite autour d’un produit qui permettrait de rendre l’action de réparer un pitch plus rapide et plus ludique.
Tout ce processus de recherche et de conceptualisation donna naissance à PitchUp, l’outil indispensable pour ne plus perdre son relève pitch et ainsi pouvoir réparer facilement ses pitchs.
Une nouvelle méthode optimale pour accélérer la guérison d’un green après avoir fait un pitch sur celui-ci.